import RPi.GPIO as IO # calling for header file which helps us use GPIO’s of PI import time # calling for time to provide delays in program IO.setwarnings(False) # do not show any warnings x=1 b0 =0 # integers for storing 8 bits b1 =0 b2 =0 b3 =0 b4 =0 b5 =0 b6 =0 b7 =0 IO.setmode (IO.BCM) # programming the GPIO by BCM pin numbers. (like PIN29 as‘GPIO5’) IO.setup(4,IO.IN) # initialize GPIO Pins as input IO.setup(17,IO.IN) IO.setup(27,IO.IN) IO.setup(22,IO.IN) IO.setup(5,IO.IN) IO.setup(6,IO.IN) IO.setup(13,IO.IN) IO.setup(19,IO.IN) while 1: # execute loop forever if (IO.input(19) == True): time.sleep(0.001) if (IO.input(19) == True): b7=1 # if pin19 is high bit7 is true if (IO.input(13) == True): time.sleep(0.001) if (IO.input(13) == True): b6=1 # if pin13 is high bit6 is true if (IO.input(6) == True): time.sleep(0.001) if (IO.input(6) == True): b5=1 # if pin6 is high bit5 is true if (IO.input(5) == True): time.sleep(0.001) if (IO.input(5) == True): b4=1 # if pin5 is high bit4 is true if (IO.input(22) == True): time.sleep(0.001) if (IO.input(22) == True): b3=1 # if pin22 is high bit3 is true if (IO.input(27) == True): time.sleep(0.001) if (IO.input(27) == True): b2=1 # if pin27 is high bit2 is true if (IO.input(17) == True): time.sleep(0.001) if (IO.input(17) == True): b1=1 # if pin17 is high bit1 is true if (IO.input(4) == True): time.sleep(0.001) if (IO.input(4) == True): b0=1 # if pin4 is high bit0 is true x = (1*b0)+(2*b1) x = x+(4*b2)+(8*b3) x = x+(16*b4)+(32*b5) x = x+(64*b6)+(128*b7) # representing the bit values from LSB to MSB print ( x) # print the ADC value b0=b1=b2=b3=b4=b5=b6=b7=0 # reset values time.sleep(0.01) # wait for 10ms